Tigertail, A South Florida Poetry Annual (Volume IV)
Tigertail, A South Florida Poetry Annual, Volume IV, is edited by Richard Blanco and features cover art by Westen Charles.
This is the first issue of Tigertail, A South Florida Poetry Annual that includes poems by poets from outside of Florida, as well as a wonderful
range of Florida poets. Tigertail, A South Florida Poetry Annual is a living document that changes and responds to our community and the field. .

The 43 poets in Tigertail, A South Florida Poetry Annual include Deborah Ager, Elisa Albo, Luis Alberto Ambroggio, Naomi Ayala, Rick Barot, E. Louise Beach,
Jody Bolz, Sarah Browning, Adrian Castro, Grace Cavalieri, Sandra Cisneros, Stephen J. Cribari, P. Scott Cunningham, Denise Duhamel, Martín Espada, Zan Gay,
GTimothy Gordon, Elizabeth Haukaas, Michael Hettich, Randall Horton, Maxine Kumin, Mia Leonin, Christopher Louvet, Caridad McCormick, Jesse Millner, Sally
Naylor, Gustavo Pérez Firmat, Bessy Reyna, Holly A. Schullo, Maureen Seaton, Paula Sergi, Vivian Shipley, Rose Solari, Wanda Waterman St. Louis, David
Starnes, Jeneva Stone, Virgil Suárez, Marianne Taylor, Liliana Valenzuela, Jeremy Voigt, Andrea L. Watson, Joshua Weiner and Michele Wolf.
We thank those who support us. We believe that community involvement
is essential. This book has been made possible through generous support from Embraer.
Private support is provided by Al Alschuler, Shelly Baer, Tema Burk, David Beaty, Andrea & Carlton Cole, Gail Foerster,
Carolina Garcia-Aguilera, Joan W. & Finlay Matheson, Gene C. Sulzberger, Thomas Swick & Hanna Matras and Brenda Williamson.
Public support is provide by Audrey Love Charitable Foundation, Books & Books, City of Coral Gables, City of Miami Beach Cultural Affairs Program, Cultural
Arts Council, Mellon Private Wealth Management, Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, the Miami-Dade Mayor and the Board of
County Commissioners and Vortex Communications.
April 20, 2006
7:30 pm
Books & Books
265 Aragon Avenue
Coral Gables, FL
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